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How to Actually Make MJBizCon Worth Your Time and Money: The Questions You're Really Asking

October 21st, 2024 | 6 min read

By Clarke Lyons

How to Actually Make MJBizCon Worth Your Time and Money: The Questions You're Really Asking

Your no-filter guide to cannabis's biggest show, answered by someone who's been there (and made all the mistakes so you don't have to).

Alright, listen up, future MJBizCon champ! If you’re here, it’s because you’re probably debating whether dropping serious coin on the cannabis industry’s ultimate event is actually worth it. Or maybe you’ve already clicked “buy now” and you’re in a mini panic about how to not totally blow it. Either way, you’re in the right place. Let’s dig into the real questions you’re asking, no B.S. attached.

“How Much Is This Really Going to Cost Me?”

Let’s get right to it: MJBizCon isn’t a “just wing it” kind of event. It’s more like planning a wedding—with less drama but just as pricey. Here’s the lowdown:

The Essential Costs:

  • Conference Pass: $997-1,497 (based on when you buy)
  • Hotel: $200-400/night (for a solid 3-4 night stay)
  • Flight: $300-800 (lock that in early, trust me)
  • Food/Drink: $100-200/day (it’s Vegas—wallets beware)
  • Networking Events: $200-500 (because the real ones aren’t free)

Pro Tip: Pad your budget by about 30% more than you think you’ll need. There’s always a last-minute invite to a “must-attend” dinner or VIP mixer that pops up out of nowhere.

“Is the Full Conference Pass Worth It, or Can I Just Do the Expo?”

This is like asking if you should buy a front-row concert ticket or just hang outside the venue. If you’re going all in, go all in.

The full pass gives you access to keynotes with industry legends, exclusive networking events, early expo floor access (beat the rush, skip the noise), and prime meeting space reservations. More importantly, it gives you the context behind all the conversations happening on the floor.

Without it, you’re walking around looking at shiny objects without understanding the bigger picture.

“What Should I Do Before I Even Get There?”

You know that saying, “Fail to plan, plan to fail?” It was probably coined by someone who crashed and burned at their first MJBizCon. So, here’s what you do:

Three Weeks Before:

  • Start checking out the attendee list like it’s a lineup at Coachella.
  • Make a hit list of must-meet people and companies.
  • Begin locking in meetings ASAP (prime time slots go faster than you think).

Two Weeks Before:

Download the event app and join every relevant WhatsApp or Signal group. Seriously, these groups are a goldmine. Get active in attendee forums—it’s like a sneak peek into who’s coming and what’s going down.

One Week Before:

Plot out your daily playbook. Mine looks a little something like this:

8-9am: Breakfast meetings (painful but worth every bagel).
9-11am: Key sessions (where you get the gold).
11am-1pm: Expo floor meetings.

1-2pm: Lunch meetings (or a quick refuel if you can swing it).
2-4pm: More expo floor scouting or sessions.
4-6pm: Locked-in meetings (yes, more).

6-8pm: Dinner catch-ups or events.
8pm-??: Networking events (pro tip: pace yourself).

“How Do I Not Waste Time on the Expo Floor?”

Navigating the MJBizCon expo floor can feel a bit like stepping into a casino—bright lights, countless distractions, and the constant temptation to wander aimlessly.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of time if you don’t have a game plan. To make sure your time is well spent, a solid strategy is essential.

Start by doing a complete walkthrough of the expo floor on your first day. Think of this initial pass as reconnaissance—no stopping, no distractions, just a focused sweep to get the lay of the land.

As you walk, take note of booths that catch your eye and jot them down on your map or in your event app.

This will help you pinpoint the key companies or contacts you want to prioritize. Planning your path with precision is crucial here; treat it like you’re executing a heist. Efficiency is the name of the game.

To maximize your time, hit your must-visit booths during the morning hours. Crowds are lighter, and you’ll have a better chance to hold meaningful conversations without competing for attention.

Save casual browsing or smaller, non-priority stops for the afternoon when your energy might dip, and crowds are heavier. This way, you can keep your focus sharp early in the day and avoid getting sucked into lengthy, impromptu demos or presentations that aren’t essential to your goals.

If you’re searching for, How do I make the most of MJBizCon’s expo floor? or How can I effectively network at a cannabis trade show? the answer lies in planning ahead and being intentional.

The expo is packed with opportunities, but the key to capitalizing on them is maintaining control of your schedule. Avoid losing precious hours wandering from booth to booth without purpose.

Know where you’re headed, prioritize quality over quantity, and don’t be afraid to schedule follow-up conversations if something requires more time and attention. After all, the goal is to leave with actionable insights and connections, not just a pile of brochures.

“What About All These After-Hours Events?”

After-parties at MJBizCon aren’t just a way to let loose—they’re where real connections are made, deals are struck, and friendships are forged. These events offer a more relaxed environment for meaningful conversations and spontaneous collaborations, making them a crucial part of the conference experience.

But not all after-hours events are created equal, and if you’re wondering which ones to attend, the strategy is simple: focus on the people, not the brand. Prioritize events based on who’s attending rather than who’s hosting.

The right crowd can make all the difference, creating opportunities to network with industry leaders and like-minded peers.

And remember, the venue matters too—loud, cramped spaces can make it tough to actually connect with people, so choose locations where you can comfortably hold a conversation.

Timing is another critical factor. Don’t overload your schedule with back-to-back events. Build in time to breathe, recharge, and actually enjoy the moments. When planning, think quality over quantity—attend the events that genuinely align with your goals and interests.

Now, let’s talk survival. To avoid crashing before you’ve even made it through your RSVP list, be smart about your night. Eat something substantial before heading out, so you’re not running on empty. Stick to one drink and nurse it—there’s no need to go all-in, especially if you’ve got early meetings the next day.

And always, always have an exit plan. After a long night of mixing and mingling, the last thing you want is to be scrambling to remember your hotel room number. Keep it written down somewhere safe, just in case.

If you’re Googling questions like, Are the MJBizCon after-hours events worth attending? or How can I network effectively at cannabis conference parties? the answer is yes, and preparation is key.

The value of these gatherings isn’t just in the free drinks and fancy venues; it’s in the unique chance to build relationships in an environment that encourages candid conversations and fresh ideas.

These are the moments where real insights are shared, and the seeds of future collaborations are planted. So, show up with a strategy, engage thoughtfully, and be ready to listen as much as you talk.

“How Do I Actually Make Real Connections?”

Here’s the thing: It’s not about who you meet, it’s about how you connect. The key is to ask people about their challenges, not their job title—this opens up real conversations. Listen like you genuinely care (you do, right?).

Take quick notes on your phone right after each chat, and follow up with a personal touch—mention something you specifically talked about.

And, hey, don’t treat every convo like a sales pitch. Don’t cling to your crew the whole time, and definitely don’t forget to connect on LinkedIn within 24 hours.

“What Should I Bring That No One Tells You About?”

Let’s talk essentials. There’s a short list of under-the-radar gear that’ll make or break your MJBizCon experience:

  • A heavy-duty portable charger (you’ll thank me later).
  • Comfortable kicks (you’re walking miles every day).
  • Master your elevator pitch (please for the love of it all, don't come across like a used cars salesman-- be genuine). 
  • Pain relievers and water (just in case you party too hard).
  • Business cards (yep, still a thing).
  • Breath mints (because coffee breath is not the vibe).

“How Do I Make Sure This Wasn’t a Waste After I Leave?”

Here’s where the real work kicks in. The post-show hustle is where you make your investment count. In the first 24 hours, sort through your contacts, fire off those key follow-ups, and schedule your most important calls while things are fresh.

Over the first week, connect on LinkedIn with a personal message, share relevant resources you mentioned in convos, and set up virtual coffee chats to keep the momentum going.

The Bottom Line

Look, MJBizCon can either be the event that opens doors or the one that drains your wallet. It’s all about preparation and follow-through. Think of it like growing: without the right conditions, timing, and care, you’ll miss the mark.

Everyone feels a little lost their first time, but stick to your plan, stay hydrated, and don’t be afraid to sneak off for a breather when you need to recharge. Your future self (and your sanity) will thank you. Remember, MJBizCon is a game-changer if you make it work for you. Be intentional, strategic, and open to spontaneous opportunities.

Got more questions? Hit us up, we'd love to help you navigate the event with ease and if nothing else we'd love to link up because what better way to widen networking than in person. 

P.S. Want the real real? Lean in a little closer... The best conversations happen at the hotel bar after 11pm. But you didn’t hear that from me.